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Solar Plexus Chakra - Relationship with Self

chakra chakra healing solar plexus chakra Apr 09, 2022
Solar Plexus Chakra

Relationship with Self

The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) is the 3rd Chakra and its Symbol is a 10-Petal Yellow Flower with a Triangle Within.

It speaks to your ability to be confident and in control of your life. Think back to the

last time you had butterflies or felt a pit in the stomach: That's the Manipura chakra at work.

Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area by the belly button, this chakra represents our willpower and assertion.

Associated Themes & Emotions: Self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem as well as you’ll be focusing your attention on your ego.

When this chakra is in balance it provides you with a will to succeed and is home to your ego and sense of self.

With this chakra when it’s out of proportion, it may make you sensitive to critical comments. You may also fear rejection and face eating disorders.

Meaning & function: emotional communication and assimilation.

Sign of imbalance or blockage: taking on other people’s feelings and problems or being overwhelmed by one’s own emotions.

It affects energy assimilation and concentration. Emotional ‘’hooks’ from other people can also be found here.

Negative feeling: inferiority and clinginess. Positive feeling: emotional stability. Typical conditions: stomach ulcers, ‘fight or flight’ response, adrenaline issues, insomnia and anxiety, stomach pain and digestive problems, pancreatic failure, eczemas, eating and metabolic disorders, gallstones and phobias.

Physical areas such as the middle section of your spine, spleen and upper abdomen.

The solar plexus chakra also influences your gallbladder and small intestines and associated with the pancreas, liver and stomach. The symbol for the solar plexus chakra is fire, and the musical note associated with it is E.

Age of development: 8-12 years old

By concentrating on a yellow item, you can rebalance this chakra This chakra is sometimes referred to as the ‘emotional mind’. It is where we experience ‘gut reactions’ to people and events. It is our power centre and where we experience most of our feelings. It is where we give out and take in energy from others. We form strong invisible cording’s or bonding’s to others through this chakra, and because it is a power centre, we need to understand that the energy here is not for use over others, but for our own sense of self-empowerment. It is concerned with our sense of who we are as a soul-directed human being.

The Base chakra is about our relationship to the world and our will to survive, whereas the Sacral chakra is about our relationship to others and our will to create. The Solar Plexus chakra is about our sense of who we are in the world and our will to be. Around the age of 8 years old this centre begins to develop. At that age, a child knows that it is here, that there are others here as well, so it is now time to begin to develop a sense of self – or – ‘who I am’. The ego begins to develop and this can produce problems. There is a need for self-expression and independence, and it is a difficult time for parents who try to find the balance between allowing the right degree of freedom combined with protection in order to prevent inexperience leading to disaster. If your parents or teachers do all the choosing for you during this phase of development, in later life you may become a rebel or alternatively allow yourself to be moulded into the shape that those around you would have you be.

The upper age of the solar plexus chakra marks the onset of puberty – another major time of change. At this age it is important to develop ego and personality. These are what take us out into the world. If we do not develop a sense of who we are, we remain victims or caretakers of others. Or we need other people to continually tell us who we are, because we do not know ourselves. Later this centre will need to relinquish its position as captain of the ship and hand over to guidance from the level of the soul – often a difficult transition – but at the age of 8 – 12, we are not yet concerned with these things. The challenge of the Solar Plexus chakra is not to fall into the polarities of bully or victim, master or slave but to find a balance. We need to establish who on Earth we are before we realise who we are in Heaven’s name.

This centre is called the ‘emotional’ mind because what we think has a great effect on our feelings and emotions. A thought about something irritates you, if given space, can develop into a full-blown rage. Rage has a huge energy that can make people feel powerful and is control of others. Often underneath this is someone who feels small and vulnerable. On the other hand if you always feel ‘less than’ everybody else, you will find yourself doing anything for a quiet life, at the expense of your own wishes.

The Solar Plexus is where we get ‘butterflies’ in the stomach and ‘gut reactions’. Emotional or mental stress affects the functioning of this chakra and results in the body expressing its sense of dis-ease with ulcers, digestive disorders, comfort eating. Perhaps you would like to reflect on the following questions, which are related to this powerhouse of yours…

2nd incarnation intentions is - use that experience to contribute to the collective consciousness to raise the vibration of the planet for the greatest & highest good of all.

Questions for the Solar Plexus 

Think about these questions and write your responses in your journal: 

Do you give away your power to please others? Do you then feel guilty or resentful?

Do you have a temper and an inability to listen to another’s point of view?

Aare you aware of your emotions?

How do you respond to them?

Can you express your emotions in a calm and honest way?

What situations make you feel threatened?

Who annoys you? Does this reflect something back to you about yourself?

What do you feel passionate about?

Are you afraid to say no? 

The solar plexus is the centre that needs the most protection and awareness of what is happening there. One way to do this is to close your eyes and focus your attention on that area of your body. Using your breath, breathe out any tension or anxiety you may be feeling there, and then imagine a disc in front of that area which is marked with equal armed cross. This will protect you from giving out and giving in inappropriately. 

Now say to yourself

I am in control of my won power. I am able to make my own decisions.

Crystals that are associated with this Chakra are:

Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Labradorite 

The herbs that are associated with this Chakra are:

Ginger, Lemon, Cederwood,

If you are ready to go a bit deeper into chakra work then here is the link to grab your meditation. There are obviously 7 to choose from or you can get all seven. the choice is yours. 

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